Partners from National Labs, Universities, and Industry

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) multiyear Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines (Co-Optima) initiative relies on the combined capabilities of leading researchers and facilities based at multiple national laboratories, universities, and industries across the country to help guide the direction of research and development.

Map of the U.S. showing partners from national labs, universities, and industry

Selected through competitive Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) and Directed Funding Opportunities (DFOs), Co-Optima university- and industry-led projects involve close collaboration with National Laboratory Consortium members from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Argonne (ANL), Idaho, Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos (LANL), Oak Ridge (ORNL), Pacific Northwest (PNNL), and Sandia National Laboratories to advance the goals of the Co-Optima initiative. The Co-Optima initiative is jointly sponsored by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office and Vehicle Technologies Office.


DFO for Collaboration with National Laboratories – Projects Awarded in FY 2021

Objective: Conduct applied research and development at the fuel-engine interface to move promising bioblendstocks and combustion approaches identified in Co-Optima closer to commercial adoption.


  • Aramco, Marathon, Caterpillar, and ANL: “Biofuel Blendstocks to Improve Low Load Combustion Performance of Heavy-Duty Gasoline Compression Ignition Engines”
  • Coordinating Research Council, PNNL, and LANL: “Using Separation-Enhanced Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry to Enable Increased Renewable Carbon Content in Transportation Fuels”
  • Cummins and ORNL: “Co-Optimization of Fuel Physical/Chemical Properties and Combustion System for Mixing Controlled Compression Ignition (MCCI) in a Medium-Duty Engine”
  • Shell, ORNL, and ANL: “Independent Fuel Property Effects of Fuel Volatility on Low-Temperature Heat Release and Fuel Autoignition”

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DFO for Collaboration with National Laboratories – Projects Awarded in FY 2020

Objective: Advance foundational knowledge and further research and development needed to accelerate adoption of performance-advantaged biofuel blendstocks


  • CFR Engines and ANL: “Development of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Test Methods on a Variable Compression Ratio CFR Engine”
  • ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company and ANL: “Life-Cycle Analysis of Biofuels from Co-Processing in Petroleum Refineries”
  • General Motors, ORNL, and NREL: “Biofuel Effects and Seasonal Fuel Property Variations Related to Abnormal Combustion Occurrences Observed in the Field”
  • LanzaTech and PNNL: “100+ RON Gasoline Blendstock for High-Efficiency, Low-Emission Vehicle Engines”
  • Shell and NREL: “Rational Optimization of Microbial Processing for High-Yield CO2-to-Isopropanol Conversion”
  • Sylvatex and ANL: “Evaluation of Erosion Potential of Biobased Multicomponent Blendstocks Using Experimentally-Validated Computational Fluid Dynamics”
  • Visolis and PNNL: “Renewable Octane Hyperboosting Blendstock for High-Efficiency Co-Optimized Engines”

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Bioblendstocks to Optimize MCCI Engines – Projects Awarded in FY 2018

Objective: Develop and demonstrate single and multicomponent bioblendstocks for medium-duty/heavy-duty mixing-controlled compression ignition (MCCI) engines


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Light-Duty Multimode (Spark-Ignition/Advanced Compression Ignition) Co-Optimized Engine & Fuel – Projects Awarded in FY 2018

Objective: Achieve 10% fuel economy improvement by co-optimizing engine and fuel in multimode systems


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University-Led Projects – Projects Awarded in FY 2016

Objective: Accelerate the introduction of affordable, scalable, and sustainable high-performance fuels for use in high-efficiency, low-emission engines


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